Whether you’re in a city, rural area or a suburb, wildlife is all around you. In many places, wildlife faces challenges. Are you a high school student with a creative idea for conserving and protecting wildlife and its habitat in your community? Planet Connect is offering high school students grants of $1,000 to implement their problem-solving projects and participate in a local internship focused on wildlife conservation.
Wildlife conservation issues exist all around us—and so do opportunities to address these issues. Start paying attention to changes happening in your community and think outside the box. Wildlife and their habitats are not just located in the woods or forested areas—they are in the trees in your backyard, the shrubs around your school building and everywhere else. Ask yourself, what local wildlife habitats or natural resources are being threatened and by what? What problem is this creating in your community? What can you do to help?
Once you have focused in on a specific issue occurring in your community, think about specific goals for your project, and the steps you will need to take in order to address the problem. Do you see any opportunities to protect or preserve wildlife habitat? In some cases, it may require creating a new habitat or perhaps conserving certain areas alongside development. Think about what kind of project could be developed to address the issue. Can you think of something that could get your whole community involved? What will the positive impacts be for the community? Perhaps you could add support and fresh ideas to efforts that are already in place.
In the application you will be asked to create a timeline for implementing your project, as well as a detailed budget, describing how you will tackle the problem, what tools you will use, who you will work with, and what positive outcomes you foresee. If chosen as a winner, you will be provided $500.00 to turn your project idea into reality. After completing your project in June, you will participate in an 80-hour wildlife conservation or natural resource internship in your local community during the summer of 2012. At the end of the internship you will be awarded a $500.00 stipend.
Here’s your chance to make a difference!
Sponsored by the National Environmental Education Foundation.
Apply now! Applications are due February 1, 2012.