Abr 2025
02 Abr
School-wide Composting & Standards Aligned Classroom Lessons
School & district-wide composting is an effective way to engage students in caring for their environment. Join us for this session and learn how Watertown [...]
08 Abr
Classroom Educator Meetup
Join Mass. Farm to School in a virtual space created for classroom educators who are interested in farm to school. Bring a question or a [...]
15 Abr
Applications for this year’s MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grants
Applications for this year’s MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grants open April 15! Applications are due May 15 by 5:00 p.m. ET. The Micro-Grant provides awards from $3,000 (min) to $10,000 [...]
May 2025
07 May
School Garden Management in the Summer Months
You have a school garden and it is overflowing and school is out for the summer! How can you plan for summer care and maintenance? [...]
21 May
Harvest of the Month in the Elementary and Secondary Classroom
The Harvest of the Month program is a great opportunity to celebrate local abundance, learn about food systems and local crop history, and get resources for your [...]